Bulbine natalensis
Afrika Botanicals is a leading and established brand focusing on supplying Bulbine natalensis.
We proudly offer our Bulbine to companies and entrepreneurs looking for alternative medicinal ingredients in their production processes.
About the
Bulbine natalensis, also known as rooiwortel or Natal drinroot, is a distinctive perennial plant indigenous to southern Africa. It thrives in the grasslands of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, drawing its English name from the vibrant reddish-orange hue of its robust, tuberous roots. A member of the asphodelaceae family, it boasts tufts of long, succulent green leaves and bright yellow flowers, making it a striking addition to any landscape.
Using Bulbine
To use bulbine medicinally, the fleshy roots are typically cleaned, chopped and either cooked into a decoction (tea) or tinctured in alcohol. The leaves can also be consumed fresh or cooked. As with many purgative herbs, proper dosage is important to avoid potential side effects like diarrhoea or vomiting from an overdose. Bulbine natalensis remains an important medicinal plant for many indigenous communities in southern Africa.
[1] Hutchings, A. (1996). Zulu medicinal plants: An inventory. University of Natal Press.
[2] Nair, J. J., Raman, B., Piersen, C. E., & Aremu, A. O. (2020). Medicinal and therapeutic applications of Bulbine natalensis Baker: Future prospects. South African Journal of Botany, 133, 210-217.